Questions by the Standard Examiner

1)      What is your opinion of the 12-year tenure of Mayor Godfrey?

Mayor Godfrey has had successes as well as challenges and has done his best to lead us toward his vision.

2)      Do you think an Ogden streetcar system is economically feasible?

Yes, however I think we need to expand the idea to develop a comprehensive transportation plan to connect all the dots of Ogden City, as the current street car plan is only one part. The focus needs to be a comprehensive transportation plan that connects all areas of interest in our community. Public transportation has to be easy and affordable for people to use and reliable seven days a week. A complete transportation plan needs to incorporate main rail, light rail, street car and busses. We need a plan connecting our neighborhoods to the tech colleges, universities, hospitals, and business clusters such as the Washington, Harrison, Downtown, 12th Street, Business Depot Ogden, Ogden Industrial Park, Ogden Airport, and more. Once Ogden City develops our plan we should share the information with the surrounding city staff/councils and let them develop their plan. Once we all have a plan to connect the greater Weber County area, together we can go for state and federal funding.

3)      List three initiatives, or main themes, of your administration if you are elected.

Made In Ogden – A product development and manufacturing concept where we stamp a Made in Ogden Seal on product made here in Ogden Utah. It will go beyond the stamp to help existing business stability and opportunities for growth. Being centrally located on the CANAMEX trading corridor, in addition to having history on our side, Ogden is in the unique position to have organic job growth.

Job Growth- Identify old ordinances and regulations that are no longer applicable and update or eliminate as needed.  Implement sound business policy that is consistent across the city. Build public transit systems that enhance the community and connect the community with key business clusters for easy access to the jobs.

Infrastructure – With staff and council make a plan to end deficit spending in our local government. Plan to pay off all city debts over the next ten years. Invest in our infrastructure to make sure our sidewalks are safe for all ages and abilities. Fix roads that have been damaged and forgotten about. With staff and council start building toward sustainability and green industry development. Build toward a comprehensive public transit system that includes the surrounding cities and a larger picture to service the greater Weber County.

4)      Do you agree with the Ogden Ethics Project that candidates should not accept campaign contributions from businesses and unions and other business-related groups?

YES, I have accepted all five additional guidelines set forth by the Ogden Ethics Project. With these types of contributions I know that my personal integrity will never be swayed as my convictions are strong. I don’t believe that to be the case in most political campaigns or arenas. We have watched our elected leaders take contributions with favors owed as the consequence. We must end the practice of leading for the wealthiest and lead for all of the people of Ogden.

5)      Why should people vote for you instead of the other candidates?

I have a proven record of leading by example and leading with consistency. I am fair and I believe in equality for everyone. I believe in transparency. I believe that our government belongs to the people and operates best when the ideas of the people are heard through public discussion and debate. I believe in real business growth, organic business expansion, and limiting the public/private partnerships in the business sector at the expense of the tax payer. I am concerned that we are losing too many businesses and believe we can do more to invest in our infrastructure to retain existing business and attract new businesses. I have all of Ogden City and our many interests at mind. I will lead us together through current struggles and the many challenges that we will face in years to come. I am a leader that will listen.

6)      What do you think about security measures in Ogden, including the crime center and upcoming police blimp?

I think technology is very important, but I don’t think these new security measures are the best way to use our tax dollars. I think the most effective type of security measures are community policing efforts. I think it is important for officers to live in the community they work so the members of the community can build a rapport with that officer and the officer can identify the specific needs of an area. In an effort to build pride in our neighborhoods, I would like to see citizen community watch committees that actually work and communicate with a specific neighborhood officer. Having a direct link to an officer will increase response time for the community.  The blimp is a new idea and I commend the innovation, but I don’t see how it will be effective for security measures here in Ogden City. I do believe that when you can centralize information the dissemination to those on the ground can be more effective, but I don’t think the emphasis on camera surveillance from the crime center is the most important. I believe that our police department has the finest men and women working for us and believe we need to arm them with the tools necessary to be successful.  Rather than fighting crime through blimps and cameras, I believe we need to heavily work towards preventing crime through teaching, educating, and collaboration.


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